Welcome message from the General Chairs

The 17th edition of DRCN, the “International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks”, will happen from April 19th to 22nd, 2021, in Milan, Italy.
For the second year, the conference is hosted by the prestigious academic venue of Politecnico di Milano, a top university in the elegant and historical Italian city of Milan. Unfortunately, for the second year, the Covid-19 pandemic forces us to run and attend this event remotely on a video-streaming platform.
We hope that the rich program the Organizing Committee was able to set up for DRCN 2021 will compensate for the lack of physical contact between the attendees. Despite the pandemic, we hope DRCN 2021 will achieve its task of being a well-established forum for scientists from both industry and academy who have an interest in the reliability and the availability of telecommunication networks, or other resilience-related topics, as it has been since 1998.
Technically Co-Sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, the main conference in this edition presents a line-up of interesting papers, carefully peer-reviewed and selected by a Technical Program Committee of international experts and covering several aspects related to the design of reliable networks. The papers are organized into five sessions of full papers and one session of demo papers (a new format for DRCN). A virtual poster session will ensure a more immersive online user experience.
In order to expand the scope beyond network reliability, DRCN 2021 offers a number of co-located events, including four keynote speeches, two tutorial presentations, an industrial panel and three workshops. These events provide outlooks on leading-edge topics in advanced networking. 

So, welcome attendees to DRCN 2021! 

With our extensive technical program and your active participation, we are confident to achieve the goal of this conference of bringing together people from various disciplines and foster technical discussion and open debate.



Due to perduring and still spreading emergency caused by the coronavirus desease, we have decided to move the DRCN 2021 conference entirely online. In fact we will have a webinar service where speakers and attendees can attend the conference online. This will allow online paper presentation and also live questions and answers from online attendees.