Regular papers submission EXTENDED: January 3, 2021- Acceptance notification: February 15, 2021
- Camera‐ready papers: March 1, 2021
The authors are invited to submit high-quality original technical papers for presentation at the conference and publication in the DRCN 2021 Proceedings.
Only PDF files will be accepted for the review process and all submissions must be done electronically through EDAS, using the following submission link:
All submissions must be written in English and must use standard IEEE two-column conference templates that can be downloaded from:
Papers should be maximum 6 page long and minimum 4 page long, including tables, figures and references. Accepted papers longer than 6 pages will be charged for each extra page. Papers cannot be longer than 8 pages.
At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register to DRCN 2021 to have his/her paper published in the conference proceedings. The paper must be presented at the conference by one author to be submitted for publication in IEEE Xplore.
Most highly‐scored paper will be invited to submit their work to IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. Please contact or if you have any questions about submitting your manuscript.