Workshop 2

Thursday April 22, 09:00 – 11:00

The road towards a more diverse post-covid era: challenges and opportunities

This event is organized as a workshop in the format of a panel session, and aims to discuss and promote diversity and inclusion in the research community in the post-covid era. The speakers will talk about the challenges and opportunities regarding diversity in research. In particular, they will discuss the effects of COVID-19 on the policies employed to promote diversity in the industry and academia.
The workshop aims at answering and the discussion will be driven by the following questions:

  • How will COVID-19 impact the future career and diversity?
  • Which are the policies to guarantee diversity in the industry and research community and how will they change after COVID-19?
  • Did COVID-19 affect only negatively or did it also bring opportunities to women in research?
  • Are new roads and different perspectives envisioned/opened/included?

This event is open and free of charge for everybody. Interested attendees not registered to the conference must register here (“Workshop 2 – Women in Engineering (Wie) event” option).

Click here to download the full program of the workshop.

Workshop chair

Michela Svaluto Moreolo,
Centre Tecnològic de
Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC),

Workshop presentations

9:00 Workshop opening
Michela Svaluto Moreolo, Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Spain; Ligia Moreira Zorello, Politecnico di Milano, Italy 

9:05 Introduction to WIE
Dajana Cassioli, WIE AG Italy Section, Università degli Studi dell’Aquila

9:10 An OFC for the History Books: the final weeks leading up to OFC 2020
Jun Shan Wey, ZTE TX, USA

9:40 Exploring opportunities for change in research and education
Fatima Gunning, Tyndall National Institute & University College Cork, Ireland

10:00 StrongHer, the Nokia women community for facing difficulties together and paving the way to new opportunities
Annalisa Morea, Nokia, Italy

10:20 Is the Digital Transformation accelerating or is it just a temporary crutch?
Roberto Saracco, IEEE FDC Chair Industry Advisory Board / co-Chair Digital Reality, Italy

10:40 Panel
Co-Chaired by Michela Svaluto Moreolo, Ligia Moreira Zorello 

10:55 Closing