- Demo papers submission deadline EXTENDED: January 31, 2021
- Notification to authors: February 15, 2021
- Camera-ready Papers: March 1, 2021
Prospective contributors are expected to turn in a demo proposal in the form of a 3-page paper in IEEE conference double-column format, preferably incorporating a demo system architecture illustration. Demo papers will be peer-reviewed and accepted demo papers will be included in the electronic conference/workshops proceedings bundle provided to DRCN 2021 attendees, and will be subsequently submitted to IEEE Xplore. The paper should incorporate the following information:
- Title
- Author’s names and affiliation
- Abstract
- Description
- Key networking concepts involved, what will be demonstrated, and distinguishing aspects with respect to previous related work
- Prototype illustrations
- Highlights of the innovation, with a clear description of novel ideas in Network Reliability
- A crisp list of individual items that will be demonstrated
- Relevant references, in particular if the demo is related to a paper being submitted in the main conference
Demonstration proposal papers should be submitted through the EDAS entry of DRCN 2021 or using the following url, and selecting “Demo Paper” Track.
Only PDF files will be accepted.
The demo proposals will be reviewed by the DRCN Technical Program Committee and will be approved based on availability of demo space as well as on the following criteria:
- Adherence to DRCN 2021 scope
- Significance of the research contribution
- Potential impact on the area
- Quality of the proposed implementation
- Presentation quality
At least one author of each accepted demo proposal is required to register for the DRCN 2021 main conference and present the demo at the scheduled demo session(s).